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AJA Reveals Product Updates Ahead of NAB 2024

4K/超高清下变频和AMF支持ColorBox, BBC HLG LUTs v1.7用于FS-HDR和ColorBox,用于BRIDGE LIVE的SRT绑定,以及更多帮助M&E, pro AV teams harness emerging workflows

AJA Video Systems 今天宣布了一些最受欢迎的广播解决方案的重大改进, production, post, and AV professionals, including a new feature-packed v2.1 software update for its ColorBox solution 用于色彩管理工作流,今天可以免费下载. On display at the NAB Show, April 14-17, 2024, 在拉斯维加斯会议中心的AJA展位(SL3065), 新版本受到客户反馈的启发,旨在帮助专业人士跟上不断发展的标准, formats, protocols, and codecs, and streamline workflows.

AJA President Nick Rashby said, “From color management to streaming, IP video, data management, and beyond, media production pipelines are evolving fast, 我们的目标是确保客户能够以更高的成本效益快速利用最新技术来改善他们的日常运营. 我们最新的创新带来了新的功能,让用户更灵活地专注于最重要的领域-可靠地提供高质量的内容.”  

ColorBox v2.1

As high-quality, 色彩管理和监控成为跨胶片制作的标准, episodic, broadcast, and live event environments, AJA is announcing a feature-rich update to its powerful AJA ColorBox device for real-time color managed workflows. ColorBox v2.从4K/超高清下变频和4K/2K裁剪到新的ACES元数据文件(AMF)支持,1引入了一些受客户输入启发的新功能和改进,以支持新兴的工作流, ARRI Wireless Video Optimized LogC4 (WVO) compatibility, and more. AJA ColorBox v2.1 software is available as a free download today. Building another layer of confidence into the device, AJA还宣布,ColorBox和Pomfort的Livegrade已被认可为学院颜色编码系统(ACES)联合标志产品认证的首批接受者。.

FS-HDR v4.3

With FS-HDR v4.3 firmware, AJA的实时HDR/WCG转换器和帧同步器将包括最新的BBC HLG LUTs v1.7,以及新的运动自适应去隔行器和通道到通道的HFR同步控制. Updated BBC HLG LUTs v1.7带来更新的LUT 9,以改善再现明亮的饱和颜色和LUT 21, which offers a wider color gamut SDR output. 一种新的运动自适应去隔行控制,通过调整使用的运动适应量,提高了一些包含快速运动的隔行视频的性能. AJA还更新了信道到信道的HFR同步控制,以便用户可配置, 因此,可以根据生产需要轻松地打开或关闭它. FS-HDR v4.3 will be available in Q2 2024 as a free update.


AJA will showcase advancements for BRIDGE LIVE, 将IP视频工作流中的多通道转码器用于方便远程制作, two-way interviews, live event streaming, and synchronous multi-cam backhaul with HDR. It also supports cloud contribution, program return, confidence monitoring, collaborative production, 并生成ABR阶梯配置文件,以移交给OTT包装. Packed with enhancements that include SRT bonding, AAC-HE v2 encoding/decoding, 20-bit Dolby E passthrough, 以及其他附加功能,为用户在现场提供更大的灵活性, BRIDGE LIVE v1.16 will be available for download in Q2 2024. 与当前的维护协议的客户是免费的, and bug fixes are available to all users at no cost.

AJA Desktop Software v17.1 

将于2024年第二季度作为免费可下载更新发布,AJA Desktop v17.1 software for AJA KONA, Io, and T-TAP products delivers new capabilities, including the ability to pass metadata such as SCTE-104, Dolby Vision, Closed Captioning, and SMPTE Time Code. The release also adds support for Thunderbolt™ on Linux.

FS4 v3.1

Many user-inspired improvements are included in the v3.1固件版本的AJA的FS4四通道2K/HD/SD或单通道4K/超高清帧同步器和上下/交叉转换器. With the update, customers can enjoy powerful enhancements, such as motion adaptive deinterlacing control and improved, user-configurable channel to channel HFR sync control. FS4 v3.1将在2024年第二季度提供免费下载更新.

HELO Plus v2.1

A free firmware update for the HELO Plus H.264流和记录设备的特点是一个新的SRT流ID参数呼叫模式, the addition of SRT Listener mode as a user selection, 状态页中每个编码器的b帧设置的视图, and more. It will be available as a free download in Q2 2024. 

Diskover Media Edition v2.2.3

New features, plug-ins, AJA Diskover Media Edition数据管理和策展软件的增强完善了AJA的NAB公告. Available now, AJA Diskover Media Edition v2.2.3通过一个新的到达日期属性提供了一个丰富的元数据目录, Autodesk流行的Flow Production Tracking创意项目管理软件(以前是ShotGrid)的插件, and a host of other useful new navigation, host-aware file action, task panel, and analytics improvements designed to streamline workflows. Upon availability, 用户还可以在几分钟内使用OVA(开放虚拟设备)设置软件的试用版。. 

了解更多关于AJA的最新产品发布和更新通过AJA的 What’s New Page, and visit AJA’s NAB booth (SL3065).

About AJA Video Systems 

Since 1993, AJA视频系统一直是广播尖端技术的领先制造商, cinema, proAV, and post production markets. The company develops a range of powerful, flexible video interface and conversion technologies, digital video recording solutions, and color management, streaming, and remote production tools. 所有的AJA产品都是在我们位于Grass Valley的工厂设计和制造的, California, 并通过遍布全球的经销商和系统集成商的广泛销售渠道进行销售. For further information, please see our website at